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judicial control中文是什么意思

用"judicial control"造句"judicial control"怎么读"judicial control" in a sentence


  • 司法监督


  • On judicial control of the investigator power
  • It was impressed by the effective form of judicial control that had been developed by canada for cases of this type
  • Our current system of compulsory measures is lack of effective judicial control on the process design , so that in the applicable process it reveals many defects such as the weakness of restrain power , inadequate protection of the rights
  • The fourth part analyses the part and standard of judicial control in respects like the purpose and spirit of legislation legal evidence > legal conditions and procedures , obvious loss of justice , etc . means to carry out judicial control are mainly law - enforced adjudication and judicial suggestions
  • The form of control investigation procedure in effect currently in our country is the control within the investigation organ and the restriction of procuratorial organ , but the power - dividing organ which is possessed by judicial control doesn " t exist , and that is the essential reason why the investigation power ca n ' t be conditioned effectively , and is abused seriously
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